Wednesday, October 12, 2016

WSO2 Identity Server with Google federated authenticator.

WSO2 Identity Server supports for social login feature such as Google, Facebook, Azure and etc. Once you configure Google as federated authenticator, Identity Server will facilitate to authenticate with your Google credential. So it is not required to have those user details within identity server user store. 

I'm using Identity Server 5.1.0 and travelocity sample web application for this demonstration. Also I'm testing this scenario with Google sub domain (i.e.

1. Download the identity server from [1].

2. You can configure travelocity sample web application by following the documentation [2]. If you have already deployed and configured service provider, you can ignore this step.

3. Register OAuth 2.0 Application in Google.
Here I'm configuring OAuth web application in Google by selecting OAuth Client ID. You can find more details form [3]. 

4. Create an OAuth 2.0 application in Google and generate the client id and secret from the application. Make sure to provide "Authorized redirect URI" as following, 
According to the default configuration of the identity Server, redirect URI should be,

5. Log into Identity server Management Console and add new Identity provider by providing Identity Provider Name (I'm providing "" as my IDP name). Then configure the Google authenticator as shown below. Make sure to add your Redirect Uri as the Callback Url and Client id and Secret which is generated from above Google application [1].

6. Now navigate to your service provider configuration and expand the Local & Outbound Authentication Configuration section. Under that, please select "Advanced Configuration". Once you select this, you will be able to add multi-step authentication or multiple authenticators within one step. For the moment, we are selecting basic authenticator & configured Google authenticator within step one as shown below.

7. Now we have done the basic configuration, so check the scenario now. You will be getting a login screen as shown below,

8. Once you select Google authenticator(in my scenario its "") , you will be redirect to Google login page. If you successfully authenticate, you will be redirecting to the web application with federated user details. 

Hope this will helpful. Thanks you.


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Get a user profile for OAuth Token using JWT headers with WSO2 Identity Server

This blog will explain, how to retrieve user profile and view user's attributes using OAuth access token in WSO2 IS. I assume that reader is familiar with WSO2 identity server and if you need more help you can follow the documentation at

1. First we need to enable JWT token generation in Identity Server. Goto IS_Home/repository/conf/identity.xml and make following attribute true. 


2. Enable Admin services in Identity Server. Open IS_HOME/repository/conf/carbon.xml and set HideAdminServiceWSDLs property to false.


3. Then start the WSO2 Identity server.

4. Create a service provider with OAuth2. To create a sample SP, Login to the Identity Server management console. Goto Main > select Add under Service provider. Give a name for a SP and select register.
Goto Inbound Authentication Configuration > OAuth/OpenID Connect Configuration and select Configure.
Put a call back url and select add. 


5. Then we can get the Client key and Client secret as show below.

6. Get the base64 encoded value for (client id:client secret) value. we can use an online tool like

7. Use following CURL command to obtain the access token from the Identity Server.

curl -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic RnpVMXc0TXpUZE5ZaWd3d0VyajhYbHk1REdFYToxUm9mbzlHNDdSTkUyQ2ppakk3Zldubkw4RDRh" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8" -k -d "grant_type=password&username=admin&password=admin" https://localhost:9443/oauth2/token


8. Create a SOAP web service project in soapUI using the following WSDL.

9. Then send the request and get the authorization context token which is encoded in base64 and delimited with "." character as shown below.

10. The Middle part will contain the user profile value and we can get it decoded using

<ax2337:authorizationContextToken xsi:type="ax2337:OAuth2TokenValidationResponseDTO_AuthorizationContextTok


Hope this will helpful. Thank you.